
Practical, Biblical
Conflict Resolution

When we encounter conflict in our lives, we essentially have four choices: to avoid it, maintain it, escalate it, or reduce it. While seeking resolution may not always be our first or easiest option, it is a biblically grounded approach.
Regardless of whether the conflict involves a fellow believer or a non-believer, our foundation for resolution should always be centered around Jesus.
Through the Holy Spirit, we can pray for wisdom, align ourselves with his word and walk in with inner peace, even amidst conflict.
Here are some essential steps to consider:
Take the Initiative: Be proactive in addressing the conflict with the individual. Jesus did not avoid conflict but rather took it head-on in addressing it.
Allow for Emotional Expression: Emotions play a significant role in conflicts, so it’s important for all parties to express their feelings. However, it is also critical to not let emotions lead in the resolution process. Feelings must be processed and expressed so the situation can move past emotions and into resolutions.
Clarify the Issue: Once emotions are expressed. Allow the conversation to shift to a place of logic where the actual issue can be laid out clearly.  Clarity on the root of the conflict will allow for practical solutions that adequately address the issue and allow for healing and restoration.
Come to an Understanding: This step involves compromise and collaboration to reach a mutual understanding. Agreement and understanding are not the same. Understanding does not mean you agree but that you can see someone else’s perspective.
At times, involving a trusted third party to mediate the situation may be beneficial. While restoration may not always be achievable, as it requires some level of involvement and collaboration from both sides, we can still embody biblical principles such as forgiveness, peace, gentleness, and self-control in the process.


How can you employ the steps above to address the current conflict(s) you are working to resolve? Make a plan to take initiative in biblically confronting those situations with a heart toward restoration.