Each year we give sacrificially, above and beyond our tithes, to deepen our investment into Legacy. The goal and focus of the annual offering will change from year to year, but the purpose will remain, as we commit resources toward a greater kingdom impact.
Together we resourced the launch of True North College, an accredited Bible College focused on equipping leaders theologically and practically to made an impact in their current season and beyond. As of May 2024, we will have enrolled more than 250 full-time, part-time, and open course students and seen two graduating classes.
As a family, we were able to fund a weekly prison service to bring church to men incarcerated in SCI Chester, in Pennsylvania. Through this investment of state of the art equipment and a weekly presence in the facility, we have seen many decisions for Jesus and lives transformed through a relationship with Him.
Our heart is to see individuals connected to supports that will help them find freedom from the things that have kept them from realizing God's best for their lives. Through Legacy, we have received $4.3 million to build a Wellness Center to provide professional counseling, coaching, a other vital, supplemental supports to people in our church and our surrounding communities. This project is currently awaiting DEP approval to begin construction.
We continue to move forward with plans to increase seating through a larger auditorium with our current footprint becoming dedicated Compass Kids space. We have secured municipal and county approval for our site plan, but are awaiting DEP approval for our sewer plan. Still, we have already received significant gifts and investments into the construction and completion of Phase II.