What to Expect

If you are coming to church for the first time you may have a lot of questions. Our hope is that your questions can be answered here. We can't wait to meet you at one of our services.


Sunday Services
9am 11am 1pm 6pm

333 Aura Road, Mullica Hill


Starting April 6th
Sunday Service 11am

2 Sharp St, Millville, NJ 08332

Sunday Experience

At True North Church, you’ll be welcomed into a friendly, casual environment by people who are glad to see you. We have an incredible team that has prepared for you to come out to church. You can expect our services to last 70 minutes and be filled with engaging worship and a thought provoking message based on the Bible. Our purpose is to introduce people to Jesus and disciple them to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Joining us for the First Time?

Come check out our First Time to church area out in the lobby before and after every service! We have an amazing team of friendly faces waiting to say "hi" all while helping you navigate any questions or needs you may have on a Sunday. We even have a gift for you!

For the Whole Family

Special Environments

Kids under 8 months
Nursing Mothers' Room
A nursing mother’s room is provided for moms to relax and enjoy the service privately while tending to their babies. This is a “moms only” room just for women.

The Aux.
The Aux is a space for all parents to care for their children while having the ability to watch service.  If you need help finding it, a team member would be happy to assist you.

Compass Kids

Kids from 8 months to 6th grade
Compass Kids is our kids program that taking place during each one of our services.

True North Youth

Students 7th grade through 12th grade
YOUTH is our program for students and happens every Wednesday night at 7pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I arrive?
If you’re joining us for the first time, we encourage you to arrive about 15 minutes early to find a parking space, enjoy a coffee on us, chat with the First Time to Church team, and check out our Compass Kids program (if you have kids between 8 months and 6th grade)! The doors to the main auditorium will be open at that time, which will allow you to find a seat and get comfortable.
What can I expect at a service?
Our service runtime is just over an hour and includes passionate worship, details on connection points throughout the week, and an engaging message based on the Bible. For a glimpse of what services look like on a Sunday, you can view the livestream during the 9am or 11am services or watch previous sermon series on our website under the “watch” tab.
What happens when the service is finished?
We believe everyone has a next step!  If you're joining us for the first time, your next step is likely to come back again next week.  But if you made a decision, need prayer, or have questions about getting connected further, our Next Steps team would love to meet you and talk with you.  Feel free to walk over to the Next Steps area or find someone in the lobby with an “I can help!” lanyard.

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