
It's Time to Act

When the check engine light goes on in our car, it is indicating a problem that needs to be addressed in a timely manner. It could be something simple or a little more complicated. Either way it is an indicator, similarly depression can be an indicator that something more is going on physically that needs to be taken care of as well.
Reaffirm the importance of caring for my physical needs during this season.
  • I will talk with my doctor about my depression and get regular medical check-ups.
  • I will eat nutritious meals, get adequate sleep each night, and exercise regularly.
“Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come”.
1 Timothy 4:8


What is one physical need you can address during this season? It could be a follow up doctor appointment, going outside for a walk, putting your phone down early to get a good night sleep. Pick one thing that is achievable for you to do today!