
Daily Reflection

Read these statements and set aside time for reflection. Spend time praying over each one and find ways to incorporate them into your daily life.  Some examples include:

  • Write them down on post-it notes and place them in key areas in your home, at your job, etc.
  • Spend five minutes declaring each of these over your life every morning and/or night.
  • Connect each statement to scripture verses that affirm them in God’s Word. Memorize the verses to recite each time you find yourself experiencing doubt or insecurity.

My identity is in Christ, not a role or in another person.
I am complete in Christ, regardless of whether or not I ever remarry.
My happiness comes from Jesus, not my circumstances.
My purpose in life is to honor and glorify God, whether I am married or single.
I choose to draw my strength from Jesus to continue to walk in forgiveness towards myself, my ex-spouse, and anyone who may hurt me.
I choose to live in the power of Christ and to seek Him first.


Am I struggling to believe any of these truth statements? If yes, what in particular am I struggling to believe and why?
These statements emphasize healing as a choice and actionable steps or beliefs that I choose to have. What am I choosing to believe today?