1 Chronicles 4:9-10 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
This is a difficult question to simply answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ because either of these answers could easily be taken to the extreme and quickly lead a person to a place where they are no longer in line with scripture. The best thing to do is to explain how a prayer for blessing could be in line with God’s will, but also how this should not become a regular practice for a Christian because it puts the emphasis of our lives on ourselves instead of on God and others where it should be.

In 1 Chronicles, we find a short passage about a man named Jabez, who was said to be an honorable and God-fearing man. Jabez cries out to God and asks that God would bless him and enlarge his territory. He also asks that the hand of God would be with him and would keep him from harm. The text tells us that God granted his request. So the real question tied to this passage is why? Why would God grant this request to bless this man, enlarge his territory, protect him and keep him from harm when others who have asked for blessing have not been answered? There are a few reasons we can explore from the text. First, Jabez was an honorable and God-fearing man. He had the right view and perspective of who God was, and so he approached God with the right posture of heart and mind. God also granted Jabez’ request it lined up with God’s will. God wanted Jabez’ territory to be enlarged. Most likely, Jabez had been faithful to what God had already blessed him with, so when asked, God had no problem giving him more. It could be assumed that if Jabez was faithful and responsible with was he currently had, he would also be faithful and responsible when given more. Another reason that can be reasonably assumed is that Jabez would use the enlarged territory and increased influence to continue to bring glory to God and build God’s Kingdom. The request for blessing was not grounded in Jabez increasing his wealth, becoming more popular, or growing his influence. If that were the case, God would not have answered his request. God gave him more because God knew the motivation of Jabez, and his desires were in line with what God also wanted in regard to expanding his Kingdom.

Another thing to highlight about Jabez’ request is that it was more than just a petition for good or comfortable things. Jabez prayed that God would enlarge his responsibility, which mean broadening his job description, enlarging what he needed to manage and maintain, and deepening the ownership of what he could be blamed for. Jabez knew and understood what the increase in territory would mean practically and he was prepared for the commensurate increase in work, responsibility, and discomfort. Ultimately, Jabez’ prayer and heart were pleasing to God.

Think about this in your own life. Jabez prayed for blessings, influence, presence, and protection. There is nothing wrong with praying for these things, but we need to be mindful of what they will be used for. Are you asking for a blessing so that you can be blessed, or so that others would be blessed through you, and through that, God would be glorified? Where does the blessing you are praying for end? Does it end with you, or does it flow through you to others? God doesn’t bless people so that they can store up and hoard that blessing for themselves. God blesses people and enlarges their territory so that the Kingdom of God can be built through it.

Perhaps your prayers for increased blessing have yet to be granted because you have not yet been faithful with what God has already given. Perhaps you don’t fully realize that you pray with selfish motivations, that whatever you get would only be spent on yourself. A more effective approach to this issue may be for you to pray and ask God not to change your circumstances or the amount of blessing you have, but to instead change your heart so that you would be better prepared to manage blessing in a way that is honoring and pleasing to God. The best way to make sure that the words coming out of your mouth are in line with God’s will is to first get your heart and mind right, then the words that overflow from that heart will always be in line with God’s will and God will have no reason or reservations against giving you what you ask.