Bible Reading

For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength.
Ephesians 1:15-19


Have you ever prayed for someone? Not just a quick prayer for healing or direction in life, but a prolonged period of focused prayer for a particular person? Perhaps you've prayed for years that a family member would come to Christ, or that a backslidden and disillusioned friend would find their way back into the fold. Prolonged prayer can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience because, on the one hand, we know that God is faithful and hears our prayers, but on the other hand, we can pray for years, even decades, and begin to feel as though nothing will ever come of it. We may even start to believe the lie that our prayers have been wasted and said in vain. One thing we can be assured of is that no prayer is ever wasted. God hears all prayers and graciously allows his children to become part of his ever-working plan of redemption and restoration.

In today's passage, the reader gets a glimpse into the private prayers of Paul when he reveals three areas that he had been diligently praying and believing for. Paul reminds the reader that he has never stopped giving thanks for them and has always remembered them in his prayers. Paul prayed that the community of believers in Ephesus would know the hope of God's calling. He prayed that God would give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they may know him better. Paul is referring to the Holy Spirit here as he urges that the church body lives in a way that is spirit-filled, spirit-empowered, and spirit-led. Lastly, he prayed that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened so that they can be aware of the hope God has called them to and the riches and power of God's glorious inheritance. Simplified, you could break down Paul's prayers to be focused on Wisdom, Hope, and Revelation. That God would be revealed. That we would focus our eyes on Him in Hope. And that we would act accordingly in Godly wisdom.

To the reader, these prayers may seem simple enough on a surface level; but the more we understand the context of the time, the more we begin to see the intentionality of Paul and why he prayed specifically for those things. Paul was familiar not only with Roman culture but also with Greek (Hellenistic) thought and how the philosophical ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were engrained into the minds and society across the Roman empire. If the early church were not careful, those philosophical ideas would clash with the truth of God they were so desperate to learn. Here is an example: The famous Greek philosopher Socrates is known for repeating this idea as a mantra: "Know Thyself". Another Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, said this: "Man know thyself, then thou shalt know the universe and God." Aristotle is quoted as saying this: "To know thyself is the beginning of all wisdom." Do you see a common thread? The basis of Greek philosophy, which was well-known and studied in Greco-Roman society and also in the minds of young Christians, was this overarching message; to know yourself is the highest goal. But the gospel turns this idea on its head with a far more glorious and fruitful idea; to know your Creator is the highest goal. Paul prays that you would know God better, and only then can a person really know themselves. The creator always precedes the creation. Many people approach prayer in a similar way. They view prayer as a way to know themselves better, like a verbal diary or confessional booth where what is on the inside of you comes pouring out and is exposed. In reality, the true nature and posture of prayer should always be connecting to and knowing the heart of God in a deeper and more meaningful way. This is what Paul wanted for the church thousands of years ago, and this is also the highest priority even today.

Challenge yourself to this. When you pray, pray in a way that you desire to see God more clearly and know him. The answer to prayer is always secondary to knowing the one you pray to.