MOTMOT, Mobilization of Teachers through the Multiplication of Teachings, was developed by Doc. John Mannion, president of True North College, during his years in the pastorate and on the mission field. MOTMOT has been translated into 25+ languages and is being used all over the world to equip and train ministry leaders.

Biblical Studies

New Testament Survey
A general survey of the New Testament covering the Gospels, the book of Acts, the Pauline Epistles and Hebrews, the General Epistles, and the book of Revelation. Special attention will be given to the key issues and teachings of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with a focus on the sermon’s Beatitudes.
Old Testament Survey
A general survey of the Old Testament that covers its three major sections (Tanakh) including the Law or the Pentateuch, the Prophets (both former and latter), and the Writings (including poetry, wisdom, and history). Special attention will be given to seeing Jesus in the Old Testament.
Doctrine of God and Man
A systematic study of the doctrine of God (theology proper) and the doctrine of man (anthropology). Special attention will be given to a study of “the world” (expanding on the study of man by extending it into the fallen realm in which he lives). The Gospels and Jesus’ teachings will serve as the specific source of the study.
Doctrine of Salvation and the Church
A systematic study of the doctrine of salvation (soteriology) and the doctrine of the Church (ecclesiology). Special attention will be given to the plan of redemption and the contents of the gospel message as it is seen in the incarnation, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. Special emphasis will be on the nature and working of the kingdom of God. The Gospels and Jesus’ teachings will serve as the specific source of the study.
The Holy Spirit
A systematic study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology). Special attention will be given to the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Special emphasis will be on the nature and use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
An introduction to inductive bible study that explains what it is and how to do it.  Through an intensive study of the book of Philippians the use of the principles of inductive bible study will be used to practice observing, interpreting and applying Scripture.

Practical Theology

Knowing God
A study of the doctrine of knowing God (epistemology). Special attention will be given to the practice of knowing God so as to challenge and motivate the student to seek God. Special emphasis will be on what faith is and is not and how to use your faith.
Christian Character and Ethics
A focus on service, humility, and leadership using the lives of Moses, Nehemiah and others to depict what strong Christian character looks like. Special attention will be given to the outworking of Christian character in society as Christians take a stand on ethical issues.
Missions and the Church
 A theological, biblical, and historical study that forms the foundation for understanding the importance and nature of the Great Commission. Special attention will be given to mobilizing local church missions programs and individuals who want to go to the mission field.
Apologetics and Worldview
A practical study regarding the skill of defending the gospel. Special attention will be given to using apologetics as a bridge to evangelism. Special emphasis will be on the study of worldviews and how Christians are called to think and live according to a biblical worldview.
World Religions
An introduction to the major religions of the world including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.  Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto, Sikhism, and Jainism will also be considered. Special attention will be given to the idea of worldview and how it coincides with religion.
Church History
A thorough investigation of the events, people, places, and theology associated with the Church from its inception after the ascension of Christ to today. The course will follow this general timeline as it fills in the major sections of Church history with specific dates and their corresponding events.
The Bible and Money
A thorough investigation of the biblical view of money with a focus on giving and stewardship. Special attention will be given to a natural ministerial outworking of a biblical theology of money; that is, a study of the nature and practice of the biblical mandate to help the needy.

Ministry Leadership

Christian Leadership
 A biblical study of the principles of leadership. Special attention will be given to the structure, organization, and government of the church with a focus on the plurality of leadership and the essential concept of the “body of Christ.” Special emphasis will be put on the theory and practice of counseling from a biblical point of view with an emphasis on how to help people in practical ways.
Preaching and Teaching
 Consideration of how to preach and teach and how to develop sermons and teachings.  Special attention will be given to the use of hermeneutics in message preparation. Special emphasis will be put on expository preaching. The course will end with student presentations of their own messages.
Discipleship and Discipline
A practical study on the process of discipleship. Special attention is given to the promotion of Christian disciplines like prayer, fasting, and praise and worship. Special emphasis will be put on the motivations and methods of church discipline.
Pastoral Ministry
An examination of the roles and expectations of a pastor. Specific tasks associated with pastoral ministry are addressed including leadership development, conducting of baptisms, weddings, funerals, child dedications, the Lord’s Supper, and church discipline. Emphasis is placed on the use of compassion, hope and spiritual direction as a framework for the ministry of pastoral care.
Spirit War and World
In this study the weapons and armor of the Christian soldier will be considered with respect to engaging in spiritual warfare. Special attention is given to the reality of the spirit world and the Christian’s response to it. Special emphasis will be put on the theology surrounding the identity and activity of angels and demons (angelology and demonology).