
Yes Everything

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.
Psalms 24:1
Everyone has financial struggles. Even people who are millionaires have, at some point in their lives, been under financial hardship. People who may seem wealthy in others' eyes may struggle to maintain their lifestyle and come under stress and pressure to pay what needs to be paid. The main point here is that you are not alone, and your situation is not unique. The real question is not if you will or will not face financial hardship or struggle in life. The real question is what this season or struggle will produce in you. What will you learn from this situation? How will your life look different on the other side? How will you be changed or grow through this season?

One of the best things that can happen in your heart and mind is the aligning of your thoughts and mindsets to the truth of God's word. The verse at the top of the page is a great place to start. Take a moment to read it again and really think about what that means in your life. The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. Everything includes your money, your job, your spouse, your kids, and your house. Even your ability to produce wealth has been given to you by God. This can be a difficult thing to hear and even harder to accept. It fights against our flesh and our pride which resists God and declares that everything we have is only because of our own hard work. The more we own, the more fear we have because the more we have to lose. But the truth is that we are only stewards and managers of what God has blessed us with. We have been tasked with taking care of this blessing and managing it according to God's word. If more people had this mindset, that everything belongs to God, our nation would not be $30 trillion + in debt. The knowledge that everything belongs to God is actually quite freeing if you accept it. You no longer have to worry or stress because God is the owner and He is ultimately responsible.

This realization leads to a wiser, more discerning view of how we handle and deal with money. We need to continually ask, "What is the wisest way to manage this money that belongs to God?" Simply having the right mindset and view of money can help to avoid many mistakes people make with budgeting, overspending, debt, and poor investments. Over the course of this Care + track, we want to help you get your bank account in order, but more importantly, we want to help you to get your mind and heart focused and fully aligned with God's word.

Reflection Questions:

  • If you were to be completely honest with yourself, what do you think has led to your current financial challenges?
  • How can thinking more like a steward (someone who is responsible for someone else’s property) help you to make better financial decisions?