These Things
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
What are “these things” that the verse above is referring to? Take a moment to ponder this. Jesus promises “these things” will be added to everyone who seeks first the kingdom of God, so it's important to have in mind what 'these things' are. The two verses which precede Matthew 6:33 actually answer that question for us. These things are referring to what you eat, what you drink, and what you wear, or…simply put, the basic necessities of life. But we also get a sense that the verse is going beyond what is a bare necessity and is describing the desires and extravagances of life that we can live our lives in pursuit of. There is food to survive and there is food for indulgence. There is clothing for warmth and coverage and there is clothing for luxury and a fashion statement. There are drinks for basic hydration and there are drinks that are both indulgent and a statement of a luxurious lifestyle. The principle Jesus is attempting to communicate is clear. Whether a need or a want, it's all temporary. Whether it is the basic needs of life or the desire for extravagance and opulence, we can't take it with us when this life ends. What is more important will always be the eternal things - things that show up in heaven.
With that in mind, Jesus isn't excluding or forgetting about those other things. He simply states that our first priority should always be to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God. That is why we were created first and foremost. But those other things will come as well. God created them for our enjoyment. Jesus tells us that when we are faithful to the small things, we can be entrusted with much. When we put first the kingdom of God, the blessings of God will not be withheld from us but added to us. The key here is that God knows we are not worthy of these things, but, if you seek after the things of God first, then you are counted worthy of the added blessings of God. This is one biblical principle that our world has completely twisted backward and upside down. For many, the pursuit of opulence has led us down a path of debt, pain, and regret. This is why knowing, understanding, and building our life on the word of God become so important. If we built our life on scripture, we would realize that what we really needed to do is to put God first and he will give us the true desires of our heart. Oh, to simply trust God at his word! Such heartache and regret it would save us from!
Matthew 6:33
What are “these things” that the verse above is referring to? Take a moment to ponder this. Jesus promises “these things” will be added to everyone who seeks first the kingdom of God, so it's important to have in mind what 'these things' are. The two verses which precede Matthew 6:33 actually answer that question for us. These things are referring to what you eat, what you drink, and what you wear, or…simply put, the basic necessities of life. But we also get a sense that the verse is going beyond what is a bare necessity and is describing the desires and extravagances of life that we can live our lives in pursuit of. There is food to survive and there is food for indulgence. There is clothing for warmth and coverage and there is clothing for luxury and a fashion statement. There are drinks for basic hydration and there are drinks that are both indulgent and a statement of a luxurious lifestyle. The principle Jesus is attempting to communicate is clear. Whether a need or a want, it's all temporary. Whether it is the basic needs of life or the desire for extravagance and opulence, we can't take it with us when this life ends. What is more important will always be the eternal things - things that show up in heaven.
With that in mind, Jesus isn't excluding or forgetting about those other things. He simply states that our first priority should always be to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God. That is why we were created first and foremost. But those other things will come as well. God created them for our enjoyment. Jesus tells us that when we are faithful to the small things, we can be entrusted with much. When we put first the kingdom of God, the blessings of God will not be withheld from us but added to us. The key here is that God knows we are not worthy of these things, but, if you seek after the things of God first, then you are counted worthy of the added blessings of God. This is one biblical principle that our world has completely twisted backward and upside down. For many, the pursuit of opulence has led us down a path of debt, pain, and regret. This is why knowing, understanding, and building our life on the word of God become so important. If we built our life on scripture, we would realize that what we really needed to do is to put God first and he will give us the true desires of our heart. Oh, to simply trust God at his word! Such heartache and regret it would save us from!
Reflection Questions:
- In what way are you “seeking first” the things of God in every situation, including financial?
- In what ways have you gotten this biblical principle backward and twisted?
- What is your next step in this area? How can you start to put God first today in a practical way?