
Cannot Cling
to Bitterness

Click the resource below to access today’s article as we unpack practical steps towards forgiveness.


Take some time to look through this model of what forgiveness is versus what it is not and write down what your practical next step is in your journey to forgiveness.

What forgiveness is:
  • The decision to overcome pain that was inflicted by another person.
  • Letting go of anger, resentment, shame, and other emotions associated with an injustice, even though they are reasonable feelings.
  • Treating the offender with compassion, even though they are not entitled to it.

What forgiveness isn’t:
  • Reconciliation (repairing or returning to a relationship).
  • Forgetting the injustice.
  • Condoning or excusing the offender’s behavior.
  • Granting legal mercy to the offender. “Letting go”, but wishing for revenge.