
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesian 2:10

Their many questions that much of humanity seeks to avoid, and two of the many that come to mind are the question of identity and purpose. The two introspective questions are; who am I (identity), and why am I here (purpose). These two questions may not determine your eternity, but they can determine the course and quality of your life.
By nature, purpose and identity are determined by their creator. The vacuum cleaner will not tell you what it is and why it was invented, but the one who invented it certainly can. The same is true with us! Our purpose and identity are not determined by our will or desires but rather by God’s intent. We are God’s handiwork; we are his creation. Often times in our humanity we can ask “Who am I” and What is my purpose, but if God is truly God then the question should be “Who does God say I am” and what is God’s purpose for my life. These questions are a lot simpler to navigate.
Let’s begin the work of understanding and living out who God says you are and why He created you. First things first, to know and understand what God says about you, you must have a relationship with God. Being a Christian, a Christ-follower first and foremost is about being in a relationship with God. In the pursuit of purpose, we can often forget that God is not just a means to get an answer or a blessing. God wants to you know Him, depend on Him, and trust Him. Everything comes at a distant second to the priority of seeking after God and His Kingdom.
As you continue growing in your relationship with God something cool happens. He begins to do a work in you and through you. He begins to change you. Who you begin to reflect who He is. He begins to use you. Through your life, He changes others’ lives around you. God’s will for your life is simple. He wants to be in a relationship with you and use you. Our purpose as Christians is to know God and to make Him known. This purpose is simple yet significant. It may not detail every good work God has prepared for you, but it is the foundation that leads to the life God has for you.