
For His Glory

“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.5  But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:4-5
We live in a fallen world. When sin entered the world, along with it came the effects of pain, suffering, disease, infertility, and every other malady known to man. This was not what God intended, but because mankind turned from God and rejected him, we received the result of our disconnection from our Creator. Pain, sickness, and death are all the result of sin. These may be the direct result of our own sin, or more likely, indirectly the sins of our ancestors or humanity as a whole. But wherever the fault lies, sin has consequences and each one of us will feel the effects of sin in this life. It is God's will and desire that each of us would be healthy and whole, living in righteousness and in relationship with him. Unfortunately, God's will and desire do not always come to pass. It is also God's will that none should perish, but we know that in eternity there will be those who have chosen to remain separated from Him. Most people, throughout all of human history, have chosen not to live in righteousness and relationship with God. Because of mankind’s foolish choices, we have a world full of cancer, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and hazardous chemicals which wreak havoc on our bodies and our lives.

But there is good news, even in a world filled with bad news. The good news is that by his wounds, we are healed. In this life or the next, Jesus has made a way to restore that which was broken, reconnect that which was disconnected, and heal that which was suffering. One way or another, healing is coming for those who are in Christ. We can all find comfort in that! But in the meantime, Instead of simply waiting for this season to be over; a season of illness, pain, or mourning, pray and ask God to reveal to you what areas He wants you to grow in. Remember that God uses all things, people, and situations for His glory, no matter how painful they may feel in the moment.


  • What can you learn in the season you are in?
  • What’s one area you can rely on God today and grow in your dependence on Him as you go through this season?
  • Who can you connect with, relate to, and influence for Christ in this season you are going through?