
Clothed in Christ

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26-28 

A common recurring dream people often have, (maybe even you) is a dream in which you realize you are naked or missing some article of clothing in public. Even in the dream, your face turns red and you're embarrassed as you try to find shelter. You probably woke up with a pounding heart and a sheen of sweat on your forehead thankful it was only a dream. The point here is that when we thought we were one way, but then suddenly realize we are not what we thought, it can bring on a sudden feeling of nakedness and vulnerability, which can lead to panic.

It's interesting in today's passage that Paul describes the mature Christian life as one who is clothed in Christ. Think about what that means. It doesn't suggest that you have become Christ, or that you are perfect and better than everyone else. It means that despite where you came from or what your past may look like, Christ now covers you. What does it mean to be clothed in Christ? Here are a few thoughts. First of all, putting on Christ has to be a daily occurrence. You cannot simply do it once and then be done with it. It is a daily decision to cover your own humanity with the divinity of Christ. It's similar to what John the Baptist said when he declared that he desired only to have less of himself and more of Christ. Clothing yourself in Christ means that Jesus covers your failures and human weaknesses with parts of himself so that when a person looks at you, they see Christ instead of you. All the labels that you previously had are now covered up with the only label that matters: Christian.

Even as followers of Christ who are clothed in Christ, we often go out of our house only partially spiritually dressed. We may be clothed with the mind of Christ... yet we aren't clothed with the peace of Christ. We allow worry and anxious thoughts to invade our mind. Or, we may walk in God's peace and joy, yet we do not have the wisdom of Christ and continue to make foolish choices. Still others may walk in the wisdom of Christ, yet they are bitter and frustrated about life and this flows over into their speech. A mature Christian is one who is fully clothed in Christ. They respond to fear with the faith of Christ, to pain with the patience of Christ, to tragedy with the hope, joy, and peace of Christ, and to every situation with the wisdom that Christ has. This doesn't happen all at once, this is a continual pursuit of following after Jesus and allowing him to replace parts of us with parts of Him.


  • What are some practical ways that I can grow and become more “clothed” in Christ?
  • What are some areas that I am struggling right now to give over to God? How does this affect my ability to reflect Christ well?