
You are Chosen

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9 

Did you know that you are not yet who you are supposed to be? The label you may be living with is not the label that God has for you. No matter what you may have been labeled in life; as a comedian, a tightwad, a jerk, a genius, or a drama queen (or something else) know that God doesn't see you by those labels. He sees you as you truly are. It can be difficult to overcome the labels you had in high school. Even at your 20-year reunion, your former classmates may see you as the same pimple-faced nerd you were back then. But that's not the real you! Only God knows who you really are because only God knows you from the inside out...because he made you.

The verse above is powerful when it comes to our true identity. If you struggle in this area, this verse, written by Peter, would be an amazing verse to memorize and quote to yourself over and over. Whenever you begin to believe something about yourself or a label that is not true, remember these words. You are chosen. You are not an accident. You were created on purpose and for a purpose. You are royalty. You have been called as a prophet to speak the truth in a world of lies and deception. You are a priest in that you have total and complete access to the Father and do not need to go through a human mediary. You are heirs to the throne of God as his children. You are God's special possession which means you are not common or worthless. You have worth and value no matter what another person tells you or what the world may make you believe. You have been called out of darkness, out of the kingdom of this world, and into the kingdom of light.

These are powerful ideas if you allow them to sink beyond just your eyes and ears let them infiltrate your heart and mind. Sadly, many people, even Christians, don't believe the truth about themselves and have adopted a lie. A common occurrence in our high-tech world today is stolen identity. A hacker may gain access to your personal information, like a social security number, and use that information to pose as you in order to steal money or run up debt in your name. This is exactly what happens also in a spiritual sense. So many people have allowed their true identity to be stolen and hijacked and instead, they are walking around with a fake, false identity that they were never meant to carry. When we believe a lie about ourselves, we forfeit our purpose, we forfeit our inheritance, and we forfeit the legacy that God created for us to leave behind.

One of the most important things you can do moving forward is to internalize as much as you can about your true identity in Christ and each day, choose to walk in that. Your life will never be the same. That identity in Christ is the root and the foundation of a healthy, and impactful life.


  • What are some lies I currently believe about myself?
  • What scriptures refute those lies?
  • How can I move forward in both my words, mind, and actions internalizing my true identity in Christ?