Spiritual or Physical Need?
“One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.”
Luke 5:17-19
Physical healing is not the most important thing. Despite how much we may desire it, physical wholeness is not what our ultimate priority should be. Even though for someone who is battling physically to have a child, there is something else that should hold a higher priority. Jesus always looked at the world through the lens of the spiritual realm first. He always prioritized the spiritual over the physical. A great example of this is found in today's passage in Luke 5. The first thing Jesus does when the paralyzed man is lowered down in front of him is to address his spiritual condition and forgive him of sin. To everyone observing, it would seem obvious that the type of miracle that person needed most was a physical one, to be able to walk. But Jesus addresses the spiritual needs first because, in his eyes, they were the needs that were most important and most urgent.
This doesn't mean that physical healing and wholeness are not important. Jesus also went on to heal the man's body. But it is interesting what he was drawn to first. This is also true in your own life. You may think that the most important thing in your life is the physical healing you seek to have a child. Perhaps there is something more important which is spiritual in nature. Take some time today to pray about this and ask God not just for physical healing, but to reveal what he would like to do within your spirit.
Luke 5:17-19
Physical healing is not the most important thing. Despite how much we may desire it, physical wholeness is not what our ultimate priority should be. Even though for someone who is battling physically to have a child, there is something else that should hold a higher priority. Jesus always looked at the world through the lens of the spiritual realm first. He always prioritized the spiritual over the physical. A great example of this is found in today's passage in Luke 5. The first thing Jesus does when the paralyzed man is lowered down in front of him is to address his spiritual condition and forgive him of sin. To everyone observing, it would seem obvious that the type of miracle that person needed most was a physical one, to be able to walk. But Jesus addresses the spiritual needs first because, in his eyes, they were the needs that were most important and most urgent.
This doesn't mean that physical healing and wholeness are not important. Jesus also went on to heal the man's body. But it is interesting what he was drawn to first. This is also true in your own life. You may think that the most important thing in your life is the physical healing you seek to have a child. Perhaps there is something more important which is spiritual in nature. Take some time today to pray about this and ask God not just for physical healing, but to reveal what he would like to do within your spirit.
Reflection Questions:
- What seems to be taking the highest priority in your thoughts on a daily basis?
- Are there any physical or mental health issues that you are struggling with right now as you seek to become pregnant? For example, stress, anxiety, or health diagnosis. How can you invite God to move in that?
Pick a time everyday this week to connect with God. Whether that’s through worship, being still in His presence, praying, etc. we want to encourage you, in the time you have, to connect with Jesus.