Bible Reading

My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
James 2:1-4


Being in a financially compromised state is one of the most vulnerable and humbling positions a person can be in. If humility is ever an issue for you, consider what you couldn’t live without for a week. Some people can’t live without their phone for two hours, much less a full week. It’s hard to imagine going without your favorite food, your favorite shows, or your favorite places to drive to. Daily life has become more expensive too, which is why many people are facing increased financial tension. When we face financial hardship and struggle, these circumstances don't all have to be negative and depressing. Struggle can help us to fix our eyes on Jesus and not rely on ourselves to provide what we need. With this in mind, it’s understandable why God values the poor. When you are broke, it is much more likely that you will look outside of your own provision and depend on God. In that humble position, you have fewer choices and options. You either sink or swim. But through it all, God wants us to know that “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”

There are obvious differences, but there are also many things in common between a poor man and a rich man. Whether rich or poor, a person can grow very unmotivated by the status of their finances. For a poor man, discouragement hinders and paralyzes. For a rich man, apathy can also hinder and paralyze. Having an excess of money and possessions can make a person lazy and complacent, but also lack can lead people to a place of despair and a sense of giving up. Whether rich or poor, both can feel the sharp realization of spinning their wheels and going nowhere in particular. Jesus is well acquainted with both stations. Jesus was rich and became poor. He was King but became a servant. Jesus is a sovereign God, but died in a lowly place, for both the rich man and the poor man. This is why Jesus, and also his brother James, were adamant about not neglecting the poor, showing favoritism to the wealthy, or determining worth and value based on material possession or status. James knew that God is far more concerned with the inside than the outside.

Jesus understands us more than we will ever know, whether rich or poor. For one thing, He created us and knit us together in the womb. Yet, He experienced the human condition and grew up with little. During His time in Nazareth, Galilee, and Jerusalem, Jesus saw many poor people. Jesus ate with prostitutes and healed lepers. Jesus took the time for the woman with an issue with blood, the demoniac, and many blind and sick. Jesus also conversed with wealthy people. A rich, young, ruler, who Jesus told to give all of his possessions to the poor. Jesus ate at the house of Zaccheus, who gave back all the money he had taken. One thing these various classes of people had in common was that they were each spiritually empty. Both desired to be filled with something that only Jesus could provide. The same is true in your life. There are things you may be seeking that you have spent a lifetime looking for, but these things can only be provided through Jesus.