Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
James 3:1-2
At the beginning of James chapter 3, James addresses a problem in the early church of people wanting to and aspiring to be teachers. To understand this problem and what led to the idea James presented that teachers would be judged more strictly, we need to understand what was happening. At that time, the area of teaching as ministry work had become seen as a position of great honor and authority and therefore had become coveted and popular. This most likely stemmed from the honor given to Rabbi's and the fact that Jesus functioned as a Rabbi for three years. People wanted to be teachers because of the positive things that went along with being seen as a teacher. This was a potentially serious problem that would only get worse if it wasn't addressed.
James warned those pursuing teaching to be aware of its serious and heightened responsibilities. The words of James serve as a reminder that among teachers in the church, there is more to teaching than having natural or spiritual gifts; there are also the additional elements of character, integrity, and right living. Teachers will be judged more harshly because of what is at stake. Those who teach were in such a position of influence (especially at that time) that their choices did not only impact themselves but dozens if not hundreds of lives that were actively being molded and taught based on what that teacher said and did. Teachers held the hearts and minds of many in their hands and this should have been seen as a great responsibility. This is what a Rabbi was, one who imparts or leads by becoming an example for others to learn from, follow and imitate. This is why James was correct in saying that a teacher will be judged more harshly because their words and actions are not their own. Others are following them, others have eyes and ears fixed on their Rabbi. With this in mind, James explains that becoming a teacher was not for everyone. The weight and burden of responsibility should be reserved for those not only gifted but willing to do their work in a Christ-like manner, knowing that they would be judged not only by what they taught, but how they lived.
This idea is very relevant, not only in our churches, but in the world as a whole. Now more than ever, people are seeking a platform and a position of honor in order to influence those who listen or follow them. Social media influencers often have thousands if not millions of followers, who pay close attention to what these influencers say, what they buy and how they live. Anyone who has an attentive audience has a responsibility to that audience. With any platform comes influence and with influence comes the question of what we are doing with that influence and where we are leading those who follow us. There is a weight to leading, teaching, and influencing. You will be judged more harshly because God's children's hearts and minds are being molded by what you say and do. Lives and even eternities are at stake.