My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
James 5:19-20
We've come to the end of the book of James. Our hope is that you've been inspired and found practical wisdom for life within these pages...however, we're not done yet. James saves one of his most powerful and practical points for the end of his letter. He knew that there would be wanderers, scatterers, and gatherers. Jesus himself said in Matthew 12:30 that whoever who does not gather is a scatterer and James held firmly onto that idea. A wanderer is someone who drifts from the truth, a gatherer brings people back to the truth, and a scatterer is one who intentionally opposes the truth or prevents people from being gathered back to it. Our world is full of all three.
The role of the gatherer is the role of evangelism. These are Christ followers who seek out those who are separated from the truth of God's word and with gentleness, respect, grace, and truth, bring that wandering person back into a place of right standing with God. This is what each of us is called and commissioned to live out. Evangelism can often be seen as less than it truly is, but James reminds the reader of the power of sharing the gospel and what is truly at stake. You are playing a vital role in saving a person from not just blindness and being lost but spiritual death. This isn't just about saving a person from unhappiness or unfulfillment, this verse is referring to something far more important, eternal death and separation from God. This is big. Like a sheep who has wandered away from the shepherd looking for greener grass, only to find themselves standing on the edge of a cliff, so many people have wandered away from God searching for something they hoped would fulfill what only God could provide. We are called to be like Jesus, in that we would go and seek out these lost sheep with the hope that they will come to their senses, see the error of their way, and return to the loving embrace of their Savior. Jesus came to seek and save the lost and this is our calling as well as representatives of him.
This mission we've been given doesn't mean we force them back or that we yell at those who have wandered and curse them until they feel so bad for leaving, they come back. The implication is that there is a turning, a picture of gently leading a person to repentance because they came to a place of realization and revelation of just what they walked away from and where they are now. Paul echoed this idea in Romans 2:4 by telling the church that it is the kindness of God that leads people to repentance. We do not need to stand on our soap-box and tell people how hot hell is. Grace always comes first. The Good News is good, both to us as well as those who have wandered.
Now that you have read the inspired words of James, don't just sit there; get out and start living them out. Because, as we now have learned, any form of Christianity without works is useless, worthless, and dead. But a life spent fulfilling the purpose you were created for is the best possible life you could ever hope to live.