The Lifestyle of Legacy

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.

Proverbs 13:22

We’ve all seen some version of a classic movie scene where a group of siblings and relatives sit uncomfortably around a large wooden conference table. Some may have shown up out of the woodwork for nefarious reasons. The lawyer clears his throat and begins to read the will of the recently deceased wealthy business owner. As he reads off the will and what now belongs to whom, there is a gasp, as an unexpected name is read out as receiving a far greater share of the inheritance than what was expected. Another common storyline goes like this; The protagonist inherits a house from a relative they didn’t even know existed, causing the main character to suddenly be thrust into a new lifestyle and setting up the conflict for the rest of the story. Both of these premises have something in common. An unexpected inheritance. 

It’s a great honor to be written into someone's will and to be loved and cared about enough that you would receive an inheritance. What a beautiful picture of God’s love for us. God is rich. His inheritance is eternal, and God invites us to be written into His will. It would be inaccurate to say God writes you into his will. He invites you. It’s not automatic. God loves you so much that He will not violate your free will and force you to receive an inheritance you don’t want. God gives you the option. You can choose to be written into His will through salvation, or you can choose to reject God’s inheritance. It’s very good news no matter how you look at it! There are some other interesting things about the nature of an inheritance. The first is that you, the recipient, have done nothing to earn it. You are the recipient of something totally free that belonged to and was earned by someone else. It is freely given and based on the work of the one who gives it, not on the work of the one receiving it. The same is true of our eternal inheritance from God. It is not something we have earned or deserve based on anything we have done. Salvation is a free gift from a loving father handed down to His children.

Today’s verse comes from King Solomon. He wrote about Inheritance not just for the next generation, but for even the generations after that. We too should seek to leave a generous inheritance behind us and never let the richness of God’s blessing end with you. This is what legacy and inheritance are all about; being a conduit for God's riches to continue to pass down through you and your life to future generations. We cannot hope to accomplish this in our own strength, ability and wisdom. We need the wisdom of God to guide us and allow us to be a river and not a reservoir. Don’t store up God's blessing; let them flow through you to build the kingdom of God. Scripture tells us that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for those who are righteous. Those who are wicked will always constrict the flow of what God is attempting to do, and we should always position our lives to never constrict what God is doing. That is what we should desire for our lives. Not just to live a blessed life, but to live a life that blesses future generations. Notice that this verse doesn’t say just that the inheritance is only for his children, but also for his grandchildren. That is significant because there would only be more to pass down if what was there was wisely stewarded. It’s not enough just to leave behind an inheritance of wealth if there is not also an inheritance of wisdom and stewardship to go along with it. Another word for this is Legacy. A legacy is best described, among other things, as the reputation we leave behind or the memory of us that remains after we depart this world. Many powerful people have left lasting legacies behind them. Some for godly kingdom purposes and others leave behind a legacy of pain and destruction. 

There is such thing as a bad inheritance or a negative legacy. People can pass down financial burdens and debt. This generally happens as a result of living a selfish life that is concerned with present pleasure and temporary happiness. A life focused on the present is rarely concerned with the future. A person living for the moment generally doesn’t have much to leave to their children except debt and regret. There is also such thing as a negative spiritual inheritance. Sins and the consequences of that sin can be passed down as well. Sin that has run rampant and never confronted can be passed down through generations. Children can spend years fighting battles of anger, abuse, an addiction, that parents never had the courage to stand up and fight. 

What do you want your legacy to be? What type of inheritance will you pass on? Both in a physical sense but also in a spiritual sense. Will it be an inheritance of multiplication that comes from honoring God, or an inheritance of burden from a life lived for self? The best inheritance and legacy we could hope to pass on is one that points people to God.

Let’s be people who leave a legacy and inheritance that points future generations to God!