
Two are Better than One

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!”
Ecclesiastes 4:9–10

In relationships, opposites are said to attract. Extroverts are attracted to introverts. Type A people are attracted to more creative types. Spenders are attracted to savers. Those who are risk-takers are attracted to those more cautious and measured. This is no accident. God created humans this way for a specific purpose. It's amazing to watch how one spouse is able to cover the weaknesses of the other with their own strengths and vice versa. The gifts and talents of one spouse are the perfect addition to fill the void where the other spouse is lacking. This is often why so many husband-wife teams go into business together; not only are they very compatible partners in life and marriage, but also in business as well.

Two are better than one. Two can do far more working together than one or even two can do working separately. Not only will your strengths, gifts, and talents complement each other, but you can also be there to encourage, support, and lift up the other person when they need it most. In the same way, we need to be willing to allow our spouse to be there for us as well and to accept their encouragement and support. This can be a difficult aspect of marriage, not only to help each other through the trials and experiences of life but also to be willing to accept the help of another in these same trials. You'll find great joy in marriage when we are willing to admit where our weaknesses lie and celebrate the gifts and talents which exist in our spouse.


What are some qualities and personality traits that are different from your own that attract you to your spouse?
How do you think this quality is a gift in your marriage?


Read the blog post below to better understand your spouse’s personality and combine your strengths.