
We All Need

“Carry each other burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2

“for each one should carry their own load.”
Galatians 6:5
During the recent Devotional, Boundaries 101, Dr. Henry Cloud and John Townsend discussed the differences between burdens and loads. They discussed the ideas of what we are responsible for and what we are responsible “for”. The idea of helping others in carrying burdens that, on their own, they cannot carry, is showing the love of Christ to each other. This is where the importance of being connected to other believers can be clearly seen. Though we may have been hurt in past experiences due to lack of boundaries in our life, that does not mean it is better for us to live in isolation from others or to insulate ourselves from vulnerable relationships. We all will go through seasons where we need others to help carry a burden in our life that we cannot carry on our own, and in the same way, there will be seasons where we will be that person for someone else.

Being connected in a Crew helps to carry us through those times in life where we don’t have the strength, knowledge, or experience to go through it alone. However it is important to remember that the “burdens and loads” referenced in Galatians have different meanings. As the devotional explained, the Greek word for load means cargo, the daily toil. All of us have things that are ours to carry and should never be put on or passed off to others. We are expected to be responsible for and manage our own feelings, attitudes and behaviors in a Godly manner. Burdens however, are the things in life which not only can be shared, but should be shared. Whether we are in a season where we need the strength of others to help us carry our burdens or we need the sharpening that comes from being in a relationship that will help us take responsibility for our daily toil; we all need community.


  • Are you carrying someone else’s load? In return is this person avoiding responsibility and instead putting it onto you?
  • Are you putting your Daily Toils on someone else to avoid responsibility for your behavior?
  • Are there burdens in your own life that you are unwilling to voice or share with others, or even allow them to help you with?


Crews are the small groups here at True North that meet throughout the week. These groups are an amazing source of community for you and your spouse as you navigate your Christian walk! We want to encourage you to click the link below to check out some of our Crews to connect to! If you are not already in a Crew, take this as a sign from God that Crews are your next step!