Our Prayer
Our prayer is that you will rely on Jesus and His word in each season, you find a community to walk alongside you to be encouraged and refreshed, and you get or stay connected within the local church to help you grow in your relationship with God.
People are not perfect; offense and hurt are a part of life. The difference between surviving and thriving through valleys in our life is how you make the choice to process that pain and allow God to heal it.
The Bible instructs that as you draw near to God he will draw near to you. He will not forsake you in this valley. As you make small choices everyday to heal, obey God, and seek His will, you will see the fruit of that in your life.
We are cheering you on; you are not alone. God has good things ahead for you!
People are not perfect; offense and hurt are a part of life. The difference between surviving and thriving through valleys in our life is how you make the choice to process that pain and allow God to heal it.
The Bible instructs that as you draw near to God he will draw near to you. He will not forsake you in this valley. As you make small choices everyday to heal, obey God, and seek His will, you will see the fruit of that in your life.
We are cheering you on; you are not alone. God has good things ahead for you!
Request a copy of Dr. Don Lichi’s book, “Broken Windows of the Soul” This resource discusses how we can be empowered through the Holy Spirit to overcome pornography addictions and other “broken windows”. You can text us back at this number and we would love to send you a copy!
TODAY'S Challenge
Thinking back to your first day of this track, how has your perspective changed on healing in this area? Write down five ways in which you are going to create new habits to prevent you from falling into the trap of your old ones.
Praise & Prayer
We want to hear your story and pray for you! You may find yourself in a season of rejoicing and we want to rejoice with you. You may find yourself in a difficulty season, we want to pray for you.