
Train Up

“Train up a child in the way he should go
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
God's word urges each of us as parents to train up your child in the way they should go. Many people see that verse as a promise saying that If I raise my kids in a Christian home, and we go to church, then I am promised that even if those children rebel or move away from God, in the end, they will return to Christ and the local church. While that sounds like a good promise that we would want to hold onto, it is not at all what the principle of this passage is saying. We know that there are many parents who do everything right but have children who reject Jesus and we know that even in dire circumstances and unhealthy homes, children can grow up to turn and embrace Christ.

There is another principle hidden in this proverb which is always true. The verse tells us, "In the end, they will not depart from It". The "it" this passage is referring to is the way mentioned earlier in the verse and is a reference to knowing what is right and wrong or the way they should go, and the way they shouldn't. Training your child in the way is teaching your children the difference between right and wrong and the consequences of each. If you train your kids on what is right and wrong, when they are older they will know what is right and wrong. As parents, it's not up to us to make choices for our children once they have grown, but it is our job to train them so that they know what is God-honoring or not. When they know this, even if they choose the wrong thing... they will have an awareness that it is the wrong thing and hopefully this knowledge will lead to conviction and repentance.

reflection Questions

  • How does the unpacking of this verse help you to pray for your family?
  • What kind of influence do you think your Christian walk has on your children?