
Prayers for the Future

Prayers to screenshot during your next pregnancy or when you are ready to try again.

If you recently had a positive pregnancy test:
Lord, I rejoice and thank you for creating life. I praise you for the ability to conceive and experience even today’s blessing of partnering with you in your creation. Lord, I ask that all fear would be removed from my body and mind. Help me to not make strong associations and assumptions based on my past experiences. Holy Spirit I give you permission to convict me in my doubt and fear and replace my thoughts with peace and dependence on You.
Father, I pray for this baby. I ask that you would heal my body and remove any barriers that would hinder a full term pregnancy. I ask for strength to run through each cell of the baby. I ask that you continue to create it’s life beautifully and healthily through to full term. Convict and guide me each day in the rest I should take, the food I should eat, the capacity I should carry, and the friends I should speak to.

God I trust you. I thank you for the lessons you taught me and continue to teach me. I praise you for your good nature and comforting presence in my life.
Thank you for today.

Trying again:
Lord, I confess I am nervous, _____, ______, etc. Help me Father to relinquish control over to you. Teach me surrender in this season of trying. Holy Spirit, guide me and my spouse in our practical planning. May the tools we use supplement how you’ve designed conception and not take away from your Lordship. God, if any tool or method may be an idol in my life, speak to me and show me what next step to take.

God I submit to your ways and your creation and design. Help me not to associate my present season with my past season. Help me to believe in newness and redemption. Help me to surrender and rely on you.

God I pray over the physical intimacy that my spouse and I share. Lord remind us of the intimacy you created. We desire to grow our family out of purity not out of control. Remind us of the gift you’ve given to our marriage through this act of intimacy. Help us to celebrate your design as we approach each other. May there be no barriers or worries but may we re-submit our marriage and this marital act to you.

Thank you for your design. May we conceive and carry a child to full term. Thank you for restoring our intimacy.

Prayers for your body:
God, I come to you now asking for healing. I repent where I haven’t trusted you. I confess I have not always believed you are capable of healing me. Lord, I believe you created my body well. I trust that you are involved in this moment, that you see every detail, and know every intricacy that exists within me today. Thank you for giving me this body and life here on earth. Thank you for all my body is capable of such as breathing, exercising, eating, ______. Restore my body to how you created it to be. Give me strength while I'm waiting for restoration and wisdom to be in tune with my body.

Prayers for your due date / due month:
Lord today I am grieving what I thought I’d be receiving. I ask for your presence and comfort as I go about my day and the next several days. I rejoice that my story isn’t over but today I acknowledge what was lost. I celebrate the time my baby existed and respect its life and honor you for its creation. If there is any understanding you desire to reveal to me, Holy Spirit, I invite you to reveal that understanding. Father, I submit myself to You, Your will, and Your plan. I trust that your nature is good as I grieve. I depend on You fully. Guide me in my capacity, help me to communicate my needs and availability to those around me. Lord protect my mind from bitterness and help me not to turn my emotions into sin. Be with me in my feelings and guide me to Your truth.