• So christians can be hopeful (God is alive and on his throne) and lament (humanity is fallen and broken) and through it all, joy is our portion.
  • It is important that we are Christians never give up on people, and never give in to people.
How should Christians respond to pride month? The best response is a hopeful lament. Let me explain what that means.

The good news is, no month of the year or movement can steal the joy of christians. The joy that christians have comes regardless of circumstance, movements, or governments. The joy christians have come from the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Joy is a mark of the believer even in the midst of sinful culture.

Yet we lament the sinfulness and brokenness of fallen humanity. We pray prayers of redemption and salvation, restoration and revival. We don’t turn away from broken humanity but go to Lord and ask him to move as only he can. And so we lament as David did in the Psalms in his sin, defeats and losses, yet continue to believe in the miracle working God.

So christians can be hopeful (God is alive and on his throne) and lament (humanity is fallen and broken) and through it all, joy is our portion. What are some practical ways in which Christians can practice this hopeful lament in the month of June? We can pray for our neighbors who are lost and do not know Jesus. We can share the good news of Jesus and invite people in our world to come to church with us! We can pray for our government both locally and otherwise. We can be hospitable to those in our communities that may not know Jesus, all the while staying grounded in our convictions as Christians and ready to share the gospel and defend our faith.

It is important that we are Christians never give up on people, and never give in to people. The sin that is celebrated and promoted during pride month is contrary to scripture, and we should respond always with a balance approach of both Grace and Truth. We stand firmly on the word of God as truth and never give in to the counterfeits of this world and false versions of sex, pleasure, identity, gender or sexuality, yet we also see these people with loving hearts, knowing that they have been deceived and are in desperate need of Gods revelation of the truth. So yes, we should fight against the spread of lies and indoctrination of the next generation, and we can do so boldly, yet we should also speak the truth in love to those who are seeking truth, but have settled for a lie.


Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2


Spirit War and World | Ministry Leadership 299

In this study the weapons and armor of the Christian soldier will be considered with respect to engaging in spiritual warfare. Special attention is given to the reality of the spirit world and the Christian’s response to it. Special emphasis will be put on the theology surrounding the identity and activity of angels and demons (angelology and demonology).


New Days, Old Demons
Mark Driscoll