Health of a Spiritual Environoment
Unhealthy Environment
Unhealthy spiritual environments are often perpetrated by someone who uses their religious or spiritual beliefs to manipulate or control another person or persons. They may act more righteous than you are, or profess to have a deeper connection with God in which you can not obtain. They may try to use their spiritual beliefs to justify their controlling or dominating behavior. These environments are fundamentally not relational and are not conducive to having a deep and healthy Biblical community. These environments are typically toxic and judgemental without any desire to self-examine, have healthy boundaries, or become inclusive. Spiritually unhealthy environments are typically dysfunctional long term. An example of behavior in an unhealthy environment could include, perpetual gossip, complaining, and a judgemental attitude, happening without correction or any desire to change. Self-evaluation is often overlooked or deprioritized.
Healthy Environment
Going off of what we know of unhealthy spiritual environments, the opposite is usually true for those environments that are healthy. In a spiritually healthy environment, the emphasis is primarily on making relationships work, making Christ’s love apparent, and serving humanity. Relational connection is a large part of a spiritually thriving environment which includes healthy boundaries, correction, accountability, leadership, etc. These environments are typically growing because of what they value. While these are not perfect environments because we all fall short, the people in these environments take responsibility for mistakes and ask for forgiveness with a desire to see change occur.
Today's Challenge
Utilize the examples above to pray and consider the environment you are currently in and or how you can get plugged into a spiritually healthy environment.