Shame Hiding
in Secret
“Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:1-2
2 Corinthians 4:1-2
The passage above contains a very interesting word which has an incredibly negative context. That word is "Shameful" and it is defined as being something worthy of or causing shame or disgrace. The context of this verse is using that word to suggest that it is sin which results in shame and disgrace. Not only that, but it is these "shameful" ways that actually will prevent you from achieving your purpose. Verse 1 explains that through God's mercy (Salvation) we have inherited or been given a ministry, and we cannot lose heart in that calling or be distracted from it because it is of highest importance. Instead, we who are in Christ have turned away from and confessed these secret and shameful ways. These shameful ways include a lifestyle or a pattern of sinful thoughts, words and actions. The verse goes on to list just a few of what these shameful ways actually were then and what they could be even today. Using trickery, deception, or distorting the word of God to name a few. Instead of indulging in these, we do the opposite. We set forth the truth of God's word plainly, instead of distorting or twisting it. By doing this, we have been elevated in the eyes of others and in the sight of God. We have become people worthy of trust and honor because we've chosen to do the right thing.
Think about this in your own life. Are you allowing shameful and secret ways of living to continue hanging around you? Do you continue in a lifestyle of sin simply because it's just in one small area of your life and you don't think it's that big of a deal? Perhaps this small area of compromise may be financial in nature, or lustful, or even anger, bitterness or gossip. Perhaps gluttony or indulgence is an area of shame that you have chosen to ignore and overlook. Whatever the shameful and secret thing is, know that it can prevent you from following your calling and fulfilling the reason you were born into this world. Sin can cause you to lose heart and allow your purpose and identity to be stolen from you. With this in mind, if you feel a tinge of shame or guilt, don't simply dismiss it or ignore it. Explore it from a healthy perspective. Where is this shame coming from? If you need to confess and repent, do so quickly and without hesitation. There is so much at stake. If the shame is coming from a place of accusation and slander, then pray that God would protect your mind and free you of this guilt and shame. Either way, you are moving towards the loving arms of God, and that is a very good thing.
Think about this in your own life. Are you allowing shameful and secret ways of living to continue hanging around you? Do you continue in a lifestyle of sin simply because it's just in one small area of your life and you don't think it's that big of a deal? Perhaps this small area of compromise may be financial in nature, or lustful, or even anger, bitterness or gossip. Perhaps gluttony or indulgence is an area of shame that you have chosen to ignore and overlook. Whatever the shameful and secret thing is, know that it can prevent you from following your calling and fulfilling the reason you were born into this world. Sin can cause you to lose heart and allow your purpose and identity to be stolen from you. With this in mind, if you feel a tinge of shame or guilt, don't simply dismiss it or ignore it. Explore it from a healthy perspective. Where is this shame coming from? If you need to confess and repent, do so quickly and without hesitation. There is so much at stake. If the shame is coming from a place of accusation and slander, then pray that God would protect your mind and free you of this guilt and shame. Either way, you are moving towards the loving arms of God, and that is a very good thing.