As you conclude this 30 days of encouragement in the area of tithing, we want to share a brief thought with you regarding a valid question nearly every follower of Jesus has asked: “Why is it so important to give to the church and God’s work first?”

The answer is found in Matthew 6:21. In this passage it states, “For where your treasure is (money), there your heart will be also.” Isn’t that truth so very good?!

We CANNOT separate our heart from our money. Our money follows our heart and our heart follows our money.

When you give to God first, you are moving your heart to connect directly with Him. Your act of giving is a literal statement to God that you fully trust Him and want Him first in every area of your life – including your wallet!

Many people have shared how God has interacted with their lives, and we wanted to take a moment to share one more story with you:
“When God led us to True North, He illuminated many things that were dark. He changed our mindset from trying to work harder to resting in His work. He revealed to us that in all our serving and trying to honor Him, we had neglected the simple command of tithing. You see, we had been tight on money for years, and thought we could tithe our time and talents instead. God prompted us to step out in faith financially, reminding us that we could test Him. He repeatedly asked us “Do you believe I AM who I say I AM?” Not only did we feel the desire to tithe immediately, we were ready to give more than we had. More than once, we would have cash on hand that we needed for gas and groceries and felt the Lord test us, “Do you Trust Me? Am I who I say I AM?” And in response into the offering the cash would go.  

We have now been tithing for four months and we are more than blessed! We have seen God move miraculously within our business and we are moving toward financial stability. Our business has contracted more jobs in this quarter alone than we did for the entire first six months of the year. Since we started truly trusting God, we have seen Him move powerfully in our prayer life, we’ve received insight from scripture and stumbled into spontaneous and intimate worship moments with Him. We have a PEACE like we never knew possible. Since we started truly believing that God is for us and not against us, and stopped doubting that he wants to heal us and prosper us, He has given us faith and boldness to share the gospel and pray for the healing of others. He has also miraculously freed me from my own back pain! Now we are so excited to see where he takes us and the family at True North in the days to come!!”
What an encouragement of God delivering on his promise! We are so honored you chose to take this journey and trust it has blessed you immensely. Of course, God’s Word does not say that we are to trust Him for 30 days, but tells us we are to trust Him all our days. It’s our prayer that taking this Next Step has equipped and empowered you to wholeheartedly trust God.

For more resources and support, use the link below to continue to pursue God’s design and desire for you in the area of generosity and finances.