The power of a testimony is its reflection of God’s goodness, His power, and His unwavering commitment to making good on what He has promised each of us.  As you continue this challenge, we want to share John’s story to encourage you by hearing how God moved in his life as he put God first in his finances.
The story God is weaving in you right now during this journey is significant.  Revelation 12:11 says, “They triumphed over him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Remember, the enemy does not want you to know and experience the fullness of God. Money, possessions, and the tensions those can bring are devices Satan pollutes to bait you into separating yourself from God.  But Jesus has overcome it all and when we demonstrate our trust in Him, he breaks the hold those things have in our life.

We can’t wait to hear your testimony and how God is directly impacting your life in blessing your obedience to Him.