Worship Resources

This is the one place for all worship information and resources.
Thank you for serving on team!


The foundation of our team is built on four pillars that recognize who God is, our purpose as His creation, and his desire to use the good gifts he has afforded us to point people to His glory. These pillars also acknowledge God’s design for the local church and his intention in working through people to share the Gospel and build His kingdom.
God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in between; that means us! Genesis 1:27 points to humanity being created in His image, which includes our ability to know God, love Him, be in relationship with Him, serve Him, and worship him. Our hope and purpose are found in Jesus, and our response to Him is worship.  Worship is not limited to melodies, lyrics, and instruments, but more importantly, worship is a lifestyle. We honor God in the totality of our lives, remaining connected to Him relationally, surrendered to his design for living, and obedient to His Word in shaping our perspective.  As a worship team, we are able to demonstrate our response to God from the platform as we encourage others to respond in the same way. But the fuel of that expression of worship is forged day-by-day, specifically in how we pursue God when the lights are off, and no one is watching. In every situation and season, our response is worship!
God has uniquely gifted each of us and those gifts are were intended to point to Him in service to His desire to restore humanity back to Him. 1 Peter 4:10 speaks to using our gifts to serve others and instructs us to faithfully steward them.  Stewardship is most importantly attached to perspective; we do not own the gifts, but God does.  Living this principle means that we utilize our gifts to serve the Lord and His people, but that we also diligently tend to the gifts to see them grow and thrive to amplify impact. The relevancy to the worship team is that each of us has a gift/skill that contributes to serving here within True North to create at atmosphere of worship. Being on this team, means that you have acknowledged the gift, but we also carry the onus of using our gifts in a posture of surrender (stewarding our heart) and being committed to excellence and growth (stewarding our time, our preparedness, and our development). This cannot happen by default, but requires generosity, loyalty, commitment and unity.
1 Corinthians 12 unpacks the importance of functioning as the body of Christ. The verse highlights how different parts functioning together in support of one another are vital to a healthy church and essential to God’s design for His people. God created each of us uniquely, but we all needed community and connectedness to thrive.  As you peel back the layers of the Global church, to the local church, to our team, unity is a vital component in each of these spheres.  For us as a worship team, unity means we are functioning under one vision, mission, and purpose – to help people encounter Jesus. It also means we see beyond ourselves and recognize that we are better together, setting aside selfish ambition or personal preference to accomplish more collectively than we could ever accomplish on our own. Unity begets loyalty; we see the intrinsic value each of us carriers as children of God and we champion what God is uniquely doing through each person we are privileged to serve beside. We function as one unit from the platform, honoring the importance of ourcohesiveness in reflecting God’s design for His church and walking that out in worshipping Him. Unity also results in a heart for restoration and being as unoffendible as possible.  We operate in transparency to follow Biblical principles for working through challenges with one another. We are quick to ask for forgiveness and to forgive. We acknowledge the imperfections we each carry and extend grace audaciously. Most of all, we care for each other well, taking time to invest in people beyond their usefulness to team with a heart to see them in a health place in all aspects of life.
This is a two-pronged princple that is applied both internally and externally.  We also carry the responsibility to lead ourselves. What this looks like practically is embracing the daily pursuit of a deeper relationship with Jesus and finding opportunities to be filled – spending time in His Word, being in biblical community with others, and setting your priorities in obedience to the season He has you in.  We cannot lead from defecit and we certainly cannot encourage others to go where we are not willing to go.  As a worship team, it is vital that we accept the weight we carry to lead by example as we share a platform where visibility is much higher than most teams at True North.  This is significantly connected to the second principle of leading others well.  One of the greatest worship leaders of all time was King David and the Psalms he penned reference the importance of the role of the shepherd. Psalm 78 says good shepherds lead with an upright heart and a skillful hand.  The collision of heart and skill is imperative in leading others well in the context worship, but even outside of that environment. When our team leads people in worship, there is nothing special about what we bring to that environment outside of our obedience to put Jesus at the center of it all and a willingness to see God work through what’s already His.  Our biggest value is to get out of His way, minimize distractions, and let people experience Him as we worship authentically. We are not leading people to us, but shepherding them to the throne room of the living God so they can worship Him and experience the hope and power the name of Jesus carries.


The values we prioritize as a team speak to the heart of how we operate and work alongside one another to carry out the mission of True North using our collective gifts for the glory of God.
Flexibility & Teachability
As a team, we have an adaptable attitude, ready to embrace any changes or adjustments that may arise. The ability to change on the fly is essential, as creative direction and service variables can shift; flexibility is key to keeping the process smooth. Collaboration and growth are central to the way we serve, so we value a willingness to receive feedback, be critiqued, and execute things differently. Our eagerness to learn, develop, and grow ensures we can continue to foster the best possible outcome together in pursuit of Jesus.
Communication & Collaboration
Effective communication and collaboration are essential to our success as a team. We expect you to stay organized, manage your time well, and prioritize preparedness. Asking questions when something is unclear is important and welcomed! Additionally, we encourage you to express any concerns openly, so we can address issues promptly and maintain healthy, Godly relationships. Clear, proactive communication will help us work together efficiently and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Communication is also vital to collaboration; we know we are better together. Playing in unity requires experience, trust, and a desire to be shoulder-to-shoulder with other team members.  It also requires the surrender of personal preference to prioritize the collective impact of the team. We focus on leading people into the presence of God by eliminating distractions, working cohesively, and being sensitive to how the Lord is leading our team to serve together within every moment of worship.

Family & Community
God places great value on family, having created us to live and thrive within it. The church is God's family, designed for us to exist in relationship with one another. We view the worship team as a smaller family within the big family, and we hope you experience that as an intentional part of the culture we aim to carry out.

While being part of this team reflects that vision, it will not fully meet every individual's need for community. That's why we place a high value on Crews, our small groups within the church, and encourage all team members to be active and connected.  We also encourage the team to leverage all of the opportunities across the life of True North to build meaningful relationships that will point you back to God.

Even with that perspective in mind, your family comes first, and we want to come alongside you to support that priority in every season you might walk through.


The expression of worship at True North is anchored in glorifying God in alignment with Biblical principles inherent in His design for worship.  While that substance is the foundation, our methods are in step with the mission of True North and serving God in His unique call for our local body of believers.
Mission Aligned
The mission of True North Church is to introduce people to Jesus and disciple them to become devoted followers of Christ (ID). Our team leadership is intentional about ensuring that our worship set within any given service reflects that. We also organize our worship set with new people in mind:  singable, easy to follow, engaging, and similarly aligned to the worship songs our people may choose to listen to throughout their weeks.
Biblically Sound
We select songs with sound, biblical doctrine and make sure that our “rotation” of songs is balanced to fully represent the characteristics of God and to affirm our call to relationship with Him.
Focused and Distraction Free
There is an intention to keep the main auditorium a distraction-free environment, which includes the way we steward and lead the worship environment. We want anyone who walks through our doors, regardless of their church background or lack thereof, to feel comfortable to encounter the Lord. Lights are down and music is loud to help immerse people in an opportunity for relational connection with Jesus.  Ultimately, everything we do points to Him, and we avoid anything that focuses attention on us.

While being part of this team reflects that vision, it will not fully meet every individual's need for community. That's why we place a high value on Crews, our small groups within the church, and encourage all team members to be active and connected.  We also encourage the team to leverage all of the opportunities across the life of True North to build meaningful relationships that will point you back to God.

Even with that perspective in mind, your family comes first, and we want to come alongside you to support that priority in every season you might walk through.

Authentic and Passionate
We value authenticity and passion in worship. Our expression in worship is not copied or manufactured, but follows a biblical model for bringing passionate praise unto God. This means that, corporately, we sing/play, lift our hands, and encourage our congregation to do so with us, as modeled in the Psalms and instructed in 1 Timothy 2:8 and Colossians 3:16.


Below are essential, need to know items for being a part of the worship team.
Staying Connected
Engagement is a key aspect of serving on the Worship Team and there are a few ways to stay connected and access valuable resources and information to help you grow and build relationship.

  • Planning Center: Planing Center is the central hub of all of our schedules, sets, and team resources for both Sundays, team technicals, and more.
  • Team Nights: Team nights are essential to being encouraged, being challenged, and building community within the team.  We have a handful of Team Nights scheduled across the Worship calendar and it is imperative you make every effort to be there.
  • Team Technicals: These nights are designed to help you grow in your gifts and skills, as well as helping us play cohesively as a group.  Team Technicals are scheduled in Planning Center along with resources to prepare for those nights.  Attendance is expected If you are scheduled to participate.
  • Self-Development Tools: On this very page, we have organized resources and development tools for you to access on your own time.  Individually, we are called to grow in our craft and lead ourselves well.  As a leadership team, our aim is to equip you to do just that.
Scheduling Guidelines and Block Outs
Scheduling Capacity
Please be proactively communicative about scheduling requests season to season. All scheduling requests should be communicated to Pastor Kayla. Scheduling requests include:
  • Frequency of serving per month
  • Leaves of absence or time off from team
  • A change in capacity to what was previously communicated

*Additional requests can be communicated (for example, if you serve on two teams, etc); however, we can not guarantee that those requests will be met.

Blockout dates
Team is asked to block out dates where they are available to be scheduled. 
  • All blockout dates are due in Planning Center the first of the month prior (i.e. All March blockouts are due February 1st).
  • By not blocking out a date in Planning Center, you are communicating you are available to serve.
  • If you only need to block out half of a Sunday, submit the full day’s block out in Planning Center and message Pastor Kayla personally to explain which part of the day you are available to serve.
  • For a basic tutorial on navigating Planning Center for your schedule, check out this video.

If you are unable to fulfill a serving request you have already accepted, it is your responsibility to find coverage. Follow the steps below as soon as you become aware that you are unable to serve:
  1. Text/call the scheduled worship director for the scheduled service. All worship director’s contact information can be located under the “people” tab in Planning Center. Let them know that you are looking to find a replacement.
  2. Text/call the other members of your section to find a replacement. You can always offer to swap serving dates with someone else.
  3. If someone is able to fill in for you, follow up with the worship director and let them know. They will take it from there!
  4. Close the loop with the other team members you asked to take your spot.

All teams must be finalized 24 hours before the scheduled soundcheck.
Sunday Communication
For any questions/concerns/ideas regarding a Sunday set that you are scheduled for, please contact the scheduled Worship Director.

  • Click settings, transitions, harmony parts, vocal entrances, structure, leads
  • All worship directors have their personal phone numbers listed in Planning Center under the “people” tab
Remember, for any questions/concerns/scheduling needs regarding team in general, please contact Pastor Kayla.

Team Text Messages
We frequently send text reminders to the team regarding events and other key items. Please save that phone number  as “Worship Updates”. This is a text line that is monitored by Pastor Kayla, Pastor Josh, and Elly, so feel free to respond and interact to the messages sent, but please reach out to them personally based on other communication needs as previously mentioned.  This line should never be used for communication about a Sunday set!
Dress Code
Our team has the responsibility of representing not only our church, but Christ. The dress code supports our ability to lead worship while minimizing distractions as we point people to Jesus. Please review this dress code for guidance.

-No shorts / skirts / dresses
-Keep in mind the physical elevation of the stage in regards to where the congregation sits. There are also fans that blow on the stage to keep us cool.
- Wear Comfortable shoes. No flip flops or shoes that will kick off easily or be a tripping hazard around cords. Chunky heels are fine, as long as they don’t interfere with your ability to move and worship freely.
-No obscene statements or inappropriate brand support on clothing
-No tight patterns / very bright colors. Cameras can be thrown off by tight stripes and checkered patterns.
- No clothing that is or could become see-through. If you are backlit, many thin cotton shirts become see through
-When in doubt, add an undershirt or jacket
-White becomes see-through most commonly
- No spaghetti straps or tank tops (or sleeveless shirts for guys)
-No crop tops / low cut shirts:
-Test the integrity of your shirt’s length by lifting your arms at home before you come.
-Please wear proper undergarments that are hidden by clothing’s color and coverage
-No bra straps or see-through tops that emphasize an undergarment

Our production team is available to “soundcheck” your outfit if you’d like. If you plan on doing this, have additional options with you.

Upcoming Events

All details for upcoming events will be communicated through the Worship Updates Text Line.
If you've received an invitation to attend, please take a second to let you know you're coming!
February 2025
Team Night | Thursday the 27th at 7PM

March 2025
Youth Technical | Thursday the 6th at 7PM
Team Technical | Thursday the 20th at 7PM
Team Technical | Thursday the 27th at 7PM

April 2025
Worship Auditions | Thursday the 10th at 7PM

May 2025
Team Technical w Vocals | Thursday the 8th at 7PM
Team Technical w Vocals | Thursday the 15th at 7PM
Youth Creative Team Night | Thursday the 29th at 7PM

Resources and Discipleship Tools

This is the one place for all worship information and resources.
Thank you for serving on team!


Review last week's service(s) and assess areas for your personal growth and development.


Each month, we'll drop a new episode to encourage, edify, and equip you in an area pertinent to worship and team culture. Episode 2 is out now!


Below are technical resources to help you become more familiar with the equipment we use on a Sunday and to improve your craft in your personal practice time.
Basic Mic Handling
For optimal microphone handling as a singer, maintain a consistent distance from the mic (usually 1-3 inches away), aim the mic directly at your mouth, hold it by the body to avoid muffling sound, and avoid breathing directly into the microphone to minimize unwanted noise; essentially, "singing into the mic" while keeping a steady angle and volume to ensure clear vocal projection throughout the performance. 

Key points to remember:

  • Proper grip: Hold the microphone by the body or handle, not by the head or grille, to prevent muffling the sound. 

  • Consistent distance: Maintain a steady distance between your mouth and the microphone to avoid sudden volume changes. 

  • Proximity effect: Understand that singing close to the mic enhances low frequencies, so adjust distance based on desired vocal tone. 

  • Avoid plosives: Tilt the mic slightly upwards to minimize plosive sounds from your mouth. 

  • Monitor your volume: Be aware of your singing volume and adjust accordingly to prevent distortion from singing too loudly close to the mic. 

All band members and vocalists on mic will need to have a pair of in-ear monitors to use while serving. You can think of them as little speakers that go right into your ears. They are necessary because all of the speakers in our main auditorium face away from us (towards the congregation), and the platform becomes a dead space. It can also be damaging to your ears in the long run to rely on those “house” speakers.

Just like we can make changes to the house speaker mix, you can make changes to the mix in your ears. During soundcheck, band members will use the “me” system to mix their own ears and vocalists will mix their ears through the soundboard with the sound engineer. You will be able to adjust certain vocalist’s volume levels, certain band member’s volumes, the reverb (echoing vocal effect) on either the whole vocal mix or the whole band, the individual drum mics (each drum in the kit is mic-ed separately), the room mics (extra mics we have positioned in the main aud to pick up house sound), the click (and guide if we are using a track), the track, and the pad. You can also “pan” certain inputs in your ears if you’d like (moving an input into either your left or right ear).

If you are new to using in-ears and are unsure of what you prefer to have in your ears, we recommend starting out your soundcheck with 1-2 changes. You can build on these changes as you progress through the soundcheck. It is definitely a learning experience and can take a while to get comfortable with them!

Here are some recommendations for in-ear monitors at different price points if you do not yet have a pair to use:

$$$ Shure SE215 Pro $$ KZ ZS10 Pro
$$ KZ ZS10 Pro $ Yinyoo Easy KZ ZST
$ Yinyoo Easy KZ ZST
In Ear Monitor Mix Tips
Here is an overview of some things that can be applied to your mix whether you are a vocalist or instrumentalist.

Whoever is mixing monitors is your best friend. Be kind, patient, and encouraging to this person. They are juggling a lot and a little will go a long way in being kind to them.

Don’t be afraid to make changes. If you want something changed, go for it! I learn so much every week by making changes to my mix.

Make sure you can ALWAYS hear whoever is leading worship
This is so important. You always need to hear what the singer is saying and the direction they are leading everyone.

Give yourself time to make a great mix. Some days, it can take time to get a good mix. The more time you have, the more you can tweak your mix.

Always make sure you have plenty of headroom. Don’t crank the master volume on your pack or mixer. Set your pack at about 60%. This is a good starting place.


Below are resources that will assist you in growing in understanding of biblical worship, healthy team engagement, and other areas to develop as a worship team member.
Serving Like Jesus
Message from Ps. Jesse Eisenhart

CREATR is unlimited, on-demand courses and content designed to help you create impactful worship that brings people closer to God. This content will help you grow as a worship leader and team member. Still is it vital that you remember our personal cultural values and convictions may differ in the expression of worship we curate here at True North.

Sign up for a free subscription using this link:

True North College
True North College exists to identify, equip and release christian leaders to expand the kingdom of God. Taking courses at the college can help you understand theology, doctrine, and ministry in a way that will reshape how you serve on team.

Learn more here:

The Value of Your Worship


Below are some commonly asked questions.
Can I speed up my onboarding process?
The onboarding process comes to a natural end when you feel comfortable playing with our team, and our team feels comfortable playing with you. Take advantage of every opportunity and team event you have to exercise this, and practice in the meantime. Prepare for scheduled Sunday sets like you’re playing them, put in block out dates, and pop into the library between services to say hi to the team. You can expect this process to last between 3-6 months (although it can last longer).

If you are looking for additional opportunities to work on your craft during this time, reach out to Elly!

Unforeseen emergency and or sick and can't fulfill my serving responsibilities...What do I do?
-We completely understand that stuff comes up! First, send a text out to everyone in your section asking if they can fill in or swap a Sunday with you. While you wait for responses, send a text to the scheduled Worship Director letting them know what’s going on. Make sure to follow up and let the scheduled Worship Director know if you were or weren’t able to find a replacement. All teams must be finalized 24 hours before the soundcheck for that service starts so that we can prepare.
I can't hear the “rehearsal mix” tracks on Planning Center, getting an error prompt?
This is a resource for instrumentalists only, so vocalists won’t have access to them. Upon getting added to our Planning Center account, you should have received an additional email from Multitracks.com asking you to create an account. Check your email for that first! Once you do that, you should be able to utilize the resources in Planning Center.

If you do not have that email, contact Elly and ask them to resend the Multitracks.com invitation. From there, you should receive that email and upon creating an account with them, your rehearsal mixes should work!

If they still are not working, schedule a time with Elly on a Sunday morning/evening to sit down and sort it out.

What do I do in-between services on a Sunday when I'm playing?
It’s a marathon, not a sprint! The library is a space we are permitted to use as a quiet spot on Sundays. You may leave belongings in there as well. On a Sunday morning, you are expected to be present for soundcheck, preservice huddles (10 minutes before the service start time), and worship each service; whatever else you’d like/need to do to fill your time is up to you! (Although we do expect all team members to sit in for one of the messages as well). Sunday mornings are, however, a special opportunity to take advantage of the time we have together as a team, so get to know someone new or catch up with someone you’ve served with for a while!
What is the current audition process?
The process for joining team is always being refined. We desire each team member to clearly understand the process so that we can help others join team. The process starts by filling out the "join worship team" form on the website. Once that is finished, our current audition process is as follows:
  1. Phone Call: Have an interest phone call with a team lead to hear all about the audition process, team culture, time and serving commitment, and answer any questions regarding the worship team.
  2. Audtition(s): Complete a video audition of two songs in our current Sunday rotation.  Instrumentalists will also be asked to participate in an additional live audition to assess playing with click and alongside a band.
  3. Shadowing: Shadow our team for a Sunday to get the full serving experience as a worship team member.
  4. Onboarding: Once an invitation to team is extended and accepted, new team member will enter an boarding protocol to aid in their transition onto team.

What songs are currently in the set rotation?

In Rotation
Bless God
This is Our God
Anything is Possible
That’s My King
Good Plans
Been So Good
All Hail King Jesus
Holy Forever
What a Miracle