
Have you ever asked yourself this question: What is worship? Is worship only that 10 minutes of the slow songs we do at youth? Is worship the simple act of raising our hands? What exactly is worship? To put it simply, worship is our love expressed to God. Worship is our response to whatever holds the highest value in our life. It’s not just a slow songs, but it’s the fast songs too, and every part of our life as well. Everything we do can be an act of worship as long as we are doing that thing for God. The let’s do this forever, the caught ups, the let’s go of the world...each of these songs is simply us expressing our love for God and the love he has for us. But they are only one way of many that we can express praise to God. Worship is also hearing the word of God being preached and acting on it. Worship is loving your neighbor or even someone you don't really like. Worship is giving your life to the one who gave you life. Everyone worships something. What are you worshipping? What is it that holds the highest place in your heart and mind? What do you dwell on and give your first and best to? John 4 says we worship in spirit and in truth. Your spirit is the inner you, it’s who you are. I don’t know about you but when I’m worshiping God my soul feels at home. It feels natural, it feels like we were meant to do this. So what is worship? Romans 12:1 says this “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” so I encourage you to worship with God your whole life, in view of his mercy, worship him with your everyday.