Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. 10 But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower. 11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business.
James 1:9
There is a recurring common story (with many slight variations) about a man who was a multi-millionaire but dressed like someone who was homeless. He walked around everywhere he went wearing old clothing and shoes with holes in them. He didn't own a car. He rarely spent any of his own money, and people who didn't know who he was frequently offered him money so he could either get some food or a haircut. But the real locals who knew who this man was were quick to tell others about him, explain where his vast fortune had come from, and make predictions about exactly how much his net worth currently was. Outward appearances can be deceiving. We are a people who are so quick to judge and determine a person's worth or value with just one glance. We do this often without even realizing we are doing it, constantly judging and sizing up the perceived worth of another. Even the phrase "net worth" is interesting because of how it connects the idea of worth in relation to how much money or assets a person has. Have you ever thought about how strange, yet sadly accurate, that phrasing is? It is as if we as a society and culture have purposely tied how much money a person has to their perceived worth as a person.
James points out this common hypocrisy which also ran rampant in the days of the early church. He recognized that circumstance and position are two very different things. There may be a rich man who lives under great circumstances, yet their position before the Lord is not where it should be. And there may be a believer who lives in poverty; what others would describe as humble circumstances, yet because of their faith in Jesus, they have a high position before the Lord as children and heirs of God. Even a homeless orphan can be viewed as part of the royal priesthood of God. Good circumstances don't equal good position. Your circumstances of this life will pass away and be long forgotten, and all that will remain is your position before the Lord. The sun rises and withers the plant. Every beautiful flower will eventually drop it blossom and whatever beauty it had will be destroyed. This was James' way of pointing out that to see the temporary physical existence as more important than all of eternity is short-sighted and foolish. The rich will fade away and everything they own will not make the journey from this life to the next. Do not be like the foolish person who invests in and lives for the riches of this world. Instead, store up treasures that will show up for eternity.
It's interesting that we are told to take pride in and prioritize our high position before the Lord. It sounds almost oxymoronic if we don't understand the context. We ought to take pride in humility. How does a person take pride in humility? It sounds strange, yet there it is. The answer lies in the idea that you can be in two positions at the same time... you have your physical position and your spiritual position. You can take pride in your spiritual position because that is what truly matters. Don't fall for the trap of taking pride in your physical position or circumstance. It is surely a trap of the Devil that has been used for thousands of years. If you possess any sense of pride or admiration, let it lie with the only one who deserves our praise.