Bible Reading

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12


A classic scene in any sort of fantasy story, whether in a book, movie or tv show, is that the hero of the story has to face some sort of test, or even a series of tests in order to succeed in their quest. This is the nature of what makes a hero; that their character, their strength and their resolve will need to be tested at some point. A hero simply cannot be called a hero until they have passed a test. One aspect of many of these tests set before them is that the hero will need to make a difficult choice or choose a path. They may have to choose which door to walk through, which weapon to choose, or which literal path to walk down, but in every test there will be wise choices and foolish choices. A wise choice leads to a pleasing outcome and success, but a foolish choice will lead to an even greater challenge and great danger. There is a very real possibility that a foolish choice will cost the hero their prize, or even their life.

James tells us that at the end of our life, if we have made the correct choices, we will receive the crown of life, but those who have not stood the test will not receive the crown of life. This is a difficult thing to hear because we live in an entitled society that demands everyone should get the prize, no matter what they did. But the reality is that far more people will not receive the crown of life than those who do receive it. The good news is that we know that those who receive the promised crown are those who love the Lord. They have stood the test and passed in a way that is pleasing and honoring to God. The test is not a secret or some sort of trick. We all know exactly what the test is and we have been told how we can pass, yet still, far more will fail this test than pass it. Far more will choose to live in eternity separated from God than in relationship with him. How sad that is, and also, this reality should create a sense of urgency in each of us that there are people in our world that need to know what is at stake. Notice the specific wording of today's verse and how it does not say, “Blessed is the man who is never tempted or never undergoes any trial.” It also does not say, “Blessed is the man who finds all temptation or trials easy to conquer.” Instead, the promise of blessing is given to the one who endures and overcomes temptation and trials. James knew that trials and temptations would come. They cannot all be avoided or ignored. A Christian life is not a life spent dodging difficult things. A Christian life is a life that endures and overcomes these things, not by some special ability or human strength, but because we are in Christ and Christ has already overcome the world! We simply have to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and at the end of our journey, there is a crown waiting for us.