Where is the Treasure?

”But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21

Do you like talking about money?

Most people would answer that question by saying something like this; “Well, it depends…”, and that’s because it depends on what the context of the conversation on money is about. Someone might enjoy talking about shopping and spending money, or what they would buy if they won the lottery or how their stock market investments are doing. But there are situations where people don’t enjoy talking about money. Those situations usually involve some connection between money and your heart, or how money has effected or influenced our emotions in some way. This is much more difficult and far less enjoyable to talk about. For example, a person may not want to discuss how much debt they are in, or how they cheated someone out of money, or how they have become greedy or obsessed with possessions. Bringing up a conversation like this usually leads people to become defensive, angry and wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible. These are not enjoyable conversations because they are connected to our heart, and that is exactly what money often does. We often allow money and possessions to make their way into our heart and affect our emotions. Eventually, if not dealt with, money will begin steering our heart and will determine the direction of our entire lives.

Did you know that over 50% of marriages that end in divorce do so because of disagreements and contention over the subject of money? The truth is, the disagreements were not really about money. They were about something much deeper, but the manifestation or expression of that deeper issue took form in money and finances because those are the things which often keep a tight hold on our heart and easily trigger negative emotions in our lives. Studies have also shown that 8 out of 10 people who call themselves Christians consider themselves either bound or distracted by what they see as a lack of money in their lives. They worry about money and this worry affects their everyday life. Keep in mind that these people are professing Christians. The number is much higher among non-Christians. Often, this mindset about money and its hold on our lives is never addressed in church or from a biblical perspective, so the outlook continues and is never challenged or corrected before it passes onto the next generation to deal with.

Our heart and our treasure have a way of following each other. If we love a hobby, like golf, we usually don’t have a problem dropping a large sum of money on new golf equipment. Why? Because our heart and treasure are linked; whatever we love has a direct pathway to both our heart and our wallet. This is why Jesus spoke so often about money and possessions, not because Jesus cared about money and possessions, but because he cared so much for your heart, and he knew that often its money which has a tight grip on peoples hearts and can drag people away from a life devoted to God.

How you choose to use money and how you see money is a tangible demonstration of the reality of your love for God. Money doesn’t change you as much as it unmasks the real you and reveals your heart. With that in mind, don’t allow your heart to be attached to objects and possessions which will rust, fade, break, or become lost. Don’t live your life for what is temporary, but keep your eyes and your wallet fixed on what really matters and what will last into eternity.

Let’s be people who leave a legacy of attaching our hearts to things which are eternal and storing up our treasure in heaven!