There are moments in every person’s life which have the potential to leave them shaken, both figuratively and literally. Maybe you got into a car accident or returned home to find your home had been broken into while you were away. Maybe you received bad news in the mail or watched something tragic on the nightly news which stayed with you while you tossed and turned in bed.
There is no doubt life has moments which have the ability to effect people on a deep emotional and even spiritual level. God’s word in todays passage moves in the opposite direction and declares that the righteous will never be shaken. What a bold statement! No matter what comes at you, even in the midst of shaking going on all around you, you can and will remain firm and will not be shaken. Like a ship anchored securely during a raging storm; though the winds blow and the storm rages, you are unmoved. This type of steadfast and grounded living doesn’t happen by accident. It happens when we live by the truth of God and not by the changing tides and news of everyday life. That is a wonderful place to be in life; to not simply be tossed back and forth by whatever life throws at you, but to live on purpose with a peace which comes only from God.
It’s interesting that just before this profound statement the passage gives the recipe for this strength of character in these three qualities; Generosity, Justice and Righteousness. This is the kind of life God is calling you to live. Good will come to you, even in the midst of hardship. God’s blessing will fall on your life. You will stand firm in the face of adversity. Not only will these men and women stand firm through the tests and trials of life, but scripture also declares that through a life filled with generosity, justice and righteousness, they will be remembered forever. They will not be forgotten.
This is what legacy is: a firm foundation, built upon justice, righteousness and generosity, which will be remembered forever. Each of us has the ability, not in ourselves but in Christ, to live out this unforgettable and supernatural lifestyle. We can choose to live open-handed and generously, conducting our business in a just way, with no greed or prideful ambition. It’s these people, who have their eyes set on eternal things, who will live righteously and build something which lasts into eternity. People all over the world are longing for significance and to know that their lives mattered. Sadly, the truth is that many people will not leave a lasting legacy and most will be forgotten. They won’t leave a lasting legacy because they spent their life investing into the wrong things - things which will fade away over time or will be eroded and destroyed when the storms of life come. They choose the opposite of generosity, the opposite of justice, and a life that reflects the opposite of righteousness. As a result, their legacy will be the opposite of a life that will be remembered forever.
Let’s be people who leave a legacy of being remembered forever, not because of what we have done, but because of what God has done in our lives!