
Take a moment to think about the answers to the following questions:

What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind after you leave this world? 
What do you want to be remembered for? 
What is God’s unique plan for your life? 

These types of questions are incredibly important, yet many people never really stop and take the time to think about them, let alone actually answer them. One reason people don’t really think about the topic of legacy is because it is so closely related to death. People don’t like to think about dying, and because of that they never intentionally set goals for what they want to leave behind them when they depart this world. Yet there is something in the heart of every human which acknowledges that eternity is a very real thing. God created us that way. In Ecclesiastes 3:11, God’s word states that He has placed eternity in the hearts of every man and woman. You can’t run from it. You can try to deny it, but it’s still there deep down, a knowledge that this life is not all there is. We are eternal beings and we will live forever.

Since we are eternal beings, doesn’t it make sense that we think about life from an eternal perspective? Shouldn’t our legacy be one which points people towards Jesus and towards heaven? That is what this devotional resource is all about; taking a biblical look at the idea of legacy, how each of us can wisely steward what God has given us and how we can leave behind the kind of legacy which points future generations towards heaven. 

Each day of this 28-day devotional focuses on a single verse or passage which highlights a biblical principle. Many of the topics will center on finances, possessions, and stewardship, but keep in mind that legacy is far more than just leaving behind a financial inheritance. We are also called to leave a spiritual inheritance for the next generation. This resource will highlight how we can do this and also how we can leave a legacy of a strong, biblically based local church which upholds the banner of truth, living as a light in the darkness, and a city on a hill. 

There is a lot of wrong thinking in our world and even in our churches on the subjects of money, wealth and legacy. Within this devotional we hope to challenge much of that flawed thinking and bring it into alignment with what Gods word really says. We believe breakthrough is on the other side of aligning our hearts and minds to God and aligning our human response to His divine purpose. We may try to divorce our faith from our finances, but the truth is that God sees them as inseparable. 

We pray this resource is helpful to you in setting your heart and mind in motion on this topic. Why not begin preparing and investing into your legacy now? Don’t wait until it’s too late! 

Let's be people who leave a legacy which points people to Jesus…starting today!