
Lift Our Eyes

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
Parenting can be full of fear, worry, and anxiety if we let it. Are the kids doing well in school? Are they making friends? What if something happens? What if my child gets injured? Every day for parents can either be a day of worry or a day of trusting God. You cannot do both at the same time. You cannot worry and worship at the same time. You cannot trust that God will protect and provide if you are anxious that you won't be able to protect and provide. Though it may not feel like it, worry is a choice we make every day, to either embrace worry or to lift our eyes and fix them on God.

It sounds easy for Paul to write something like this and tell the church in Philippi not to be anxious or worry about anything, but we need to remember that Paul was in prison at the time he wrote this. There’s no doubt Paul was feeling a lot of stress and pressure based on his current circumstances, yet through it all, he had come to depend on God in a greater way with each challenge and obstacle. Each time Paul was arrested, accused, beaten, or shipwrecked, he came to realize the futility of worrying about what tomorrow would bring. Paul goes on to remind us to pray in a spirit of thanksgiving to God. He reminds us that in times of stress we need to lay our worries at God’s feet and thank Him for all the times he’s already provided for us. When we remember what God has already done, we can begin to depend on him for what tomorrow might bring as well.


  • What are some anxious thoughts that you can give over to God today in regards to your family?
  • What are some things that you can thank God for today for in regards to your family?