A Work in Progress
"As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him."
Psalm 103:13
Children make mistakes. They will break things, spill juice on the rug, say things they shouldn't, and tell lies to your face. Some of the mistakes children make will be accidental, and some will be very intentional. Through it all, we need to remember to have patience and compassion for our children. They, like us, are a work in progress. In the same way, we show compassion to our children, the Lord will show compassion towards those who fear him.
At times we may want to blow up, scream and yell at our kids, but that is never the way to teach and model the behavior that is right and good. It's good that God doesn't lose his temper with us, the results of that would be devastating. Instead, He is careful to guide us through His word, patiently allowing us to learn from our mistakes, no matter how many times we make the same one. God is the perfect father, and his parenting techniques have no flaws. Let's put this into practice today.
Psalm 103:13
Children make mistakes. They will break things, spill juice on the rug, say things they shouldn't, and tell lies to your face. Some of the mistakes children make will be accidental, and some will be very intentional. Through it all, we need to remember to have patience and compassion for our children. They, like us, are a work in progress. In the same way, we show compassion to our children, the Lord will show compassion towards those who fear him.
At times we may want to blow up, scream and yell at our kids, but that is never the way to teach and model the behavior that is right and good. It's good that God doesn't lose his temper with us, the results of that would be devastating. Instead, He is careful to guide us through His word, patiently allowing us to learn from our mistakes, no matter how many times we make the same one. God is the perfect father, and his parenting techniques have no flaws. Let's put this into practice today.
REflection quesTions
- How are you most challenged in times of frustration with your children and what is your typical response?
- Are there changes you can make to your response that reflect Christ more?
Take time this week to sit down with your child and pray with them. If this is a normal part of your routine, remind them why you are praying for them and how this is important!