“Honor your father and mother.”
Ephesians 6:2
Parents love this verse. They quote it to their children as the children roll their eyes. But there is an important lesson here that parents need to learn as well. Every parent has also been a child to their own parents.We too should honor our parents and parental figures in our lives. How can a parent expect their child to honor, respect, and obey them if they speak harshly about their own parents, make rude comments about their boss at work, or show disrespect towards other authority figures? Our children will often watch and behave towards their own parents in a similar way that was modeled by their parents to their grandparents (or other older parental figures).
These types of behaviors of honoring or dishonoring elders are often passed down through generations. But the good news is that whatever behavior has been unintentionally taught, can also be retaught. You can be the catalyst that changes the culture in your home from one of dishonor to honor, and it starts with you, and not your kids. In this verse, Paul is challenging us to teach our children to respect all authority so that as they grow they will become productive members of society. If my children learn to respect those who have authority, they will honor their teachers, their coaches, their bosses, and those who uphold the law. Respect is a virtue that we need more of in today’s culture and we always need to keep in mind that these traits begin with us.
Ephesians 6:2
Parents love this verse. They quote it to their children as the children roll their eyes. But there is an important lesson here that parents need to learn as well. Every parent has also been a child to their own parents.We too should honor our parents and parental figures in our lives. How can a parent expect their child to honor, respect, and obey them if they speak harshly about their own parents, make rude comments about their boss at work, or show disrespect towards other authority figures? Our children will often watch and behave towards their own parents in a similar way that was modeled by their parents to their grandparents (or other older parental figures).
These types of behaviors of honoring or dishonoring elders are often passed down through generations. But the good news is that whatever behavior has been unintentionally taught, can also be retaught. You can be the catalyst that changes the culture in your home from one of dishonor to honor, and it starts with you, and not your kids. In this verse, Paul is challenging us to teach our children to respect all authority so that as they grow they will become productive members of society. If my children learn to respect those who have authority, they will honor their teachers, their coaches, their bosses, and those who uphold the law. Respect is a virtue that we need more of in today’s culture and we always need to keep in mind that these traits begin with us.
Reflection Questions
- How can you as a parent put into practice teaching your children the biblical principle of honoring their elders?
- Is there an area in your life where you need to reflect and ask the Holy Spirit to come alongside you to bring healing in order to better exemplify this biblical principle to your children?
You are not alone! We as a church are here for you and want to come alongside you as you parent your children!
Feel free to text us back with any prayer or for any resources!
Feel free to text us back with any prayer or for any resources!