
A Useful Tool

Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed.
2 Thessalonians 3:14
Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.
1 Corinthians 15:34
Whenever we hear the word "Shame" we usually associate it with something negative, or see shame as being a bad thing we need to shed or escape from as quickly as possible. This is also true when we hear the words "fear, judgment or sorrow". Each has an inherent negative connotation built in. But the truth is that within scripture, shame, as well as fear, judgment or sorrow, in the right context and situation, can actually be a very useful and good thing. Above are two verses which serve as examples of when Paul saw shame as a useful tool to help people see the fruitlessness of their sinfulness and to hopefully bring them to a place of repentance and returning to good standing with God. If it was true in the early church it is also true today as well.

Shame can be helpful only when it helps people to move or return to God. In this life, there is good movement and there is bad movement. Generally, when it comes to guilt, shame, fear or sorrow, the movement that comes out of these feelings is movement away from God and into a place of greater isolation, depression, timidity or sinfulness. However that is not always the case and that is definitely not what God wants for your life. Sometimes, the best thing for us to do when we experience shame or guilt is not to simply think about what is the best or quickest way to free ourselves of this feeling, but to look deeper into why we feel that way. We may feel guilt because we did something we shouldn't have, and deep down we are experiencing conviction over that choice. We may experience shame because we know that we ignored the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The best thing to do is not to simply wallow in our shame or seek to get rid of it or become numb to it. The best option is to make it right. This may include repenting of sin, or choosing to be obedient to what we know we should have done in the first place. The main point is this; don't just seek to rid yourself of shame, use this as an opportunity to have an open and honest evaluation of the state of your own heart.


Click below to access this devotional by DesiringGod which touches on the power that God has given us over shame and practical steps we can take to diminish shame in our lives.